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From: Sharon Riegie M.
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 2:38 PM
Subject: To Unsubscribe from Bulletin Board emails
Reply to: 267999
ID: 268000

I noticed that at the bottom of this message is an unsubscribe button. Have you tried clicking that? Since I don't want to unsubscribe, I have not clicked it. I would try that first and see if it easier than all the other steps.

Good luck,

Sharon Riegie Maynard

--- On Tue, May 19, 2009, in msg267999, Martha Eidmann-Hicks wrote ---

I have bee trying to unsubscribe to everything in Gather the Women for at least a year. However, you have made it so complicated that I cannot figure out how to do it. Please, please unsubsrbe me to everything.---- Martha Eidmann-Hicks


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