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From: Deborah K.
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 8:12 PM
Subject: from Deb :) - Celebrate & Extend Your Reach!
ID: 268138

Hello Dear Spheres Circles Friends & Connections!

BE a Part of Celebrating the 9-Year Anniversary of Spheres Circles!!!

I and Spheres Circles are dedicated to playing a part in tipping-the-scales to the POSITIVE! I am connecting with a select few of you that are in-line with our purpose of "Cultivating Connectivity & Positivity"to give you a chance to BE a part of our POSITIVE MOVEMENT--as we are in production on the 9-Year Anniversary-Summer issue (Set for a June/July '09, distribution) of our "The Spheres Circular"E-Zine-- Cultivating Positivity & Connectivity for Conscious Living--! -To view a sample issue link below:

-BE PART OF THE POSITIVITY AND CONNECTION!- We are so excited to be able to offer a more DIRECT way for you, our cherished connections, with Conscious Organizations, Websites, Products, Services, Events, PodCasts & Radio Shows, Retreats, Seminars, Books, E-letters and Publications to have a "DIRECT CONNECTION" to our readers, (approx. 3,500 and growing!) women & men who are into personal development, health and conscious living!). For just a $25.00 donation, (reg. $30.) you may be on our special "CONNECTING PAGE!" You will have a Listing* of your name and/or business, website (HYPERLINKED!), city & state, on our special "CONNECTING PAGE" headed with a message of: "CONGRATULATIONS TO SPHERES CIRCLES ON YOUR 9-YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Sending Out Positive Thoughts & Energy for ALL!" from many in the Spheres-Web-of-Connections ! -See "CONNECTING PAGE" Listing* form to fill-out and send in with your donation below this announcement, postmarked by: 5-30-09 (To pay by credit card go to and pay us via our email address OR send us a request and we will send you a special link-- :)

*Advertisers get a F.R.E.E. "CONNECTING PAGE" Listing included with their ad rate! *If you are interested in a special "Banner-Ad," or EVENT AD in our E-zine please let us know ASAP as they fill up fast! (Ad Commitment Deadline: May 29th), and we will send you the advertising agreement and lock-in your space. (Advertising payments due postmarked by: 5/30/09)

*Banner Ad Rates: 120 x120 Pixel Left-Hand, Static Banner Ad @ $60.per issue 288 x 77 Pixel Static Banner Ad w/text @ $150. per issue 353 x 105 Pixel Event ad w/text @ $200. per issue (More details available on text & layout with inquiries) -Please let us know ASAP as our banner ad space is limited and going fast--! Please call: 505-988-1718 or respond to this email to book your space or with any questions.

Many thanks for BEING out there & all that you do and are! All the best! With Love & Appreciation,


Deborah Koppel Mitchell - Circle Facilitator/Publisher Spheres Circles Publication (505) 988-1718

"It's all about connecting for the benefit of ALL!"



Mail a check or money order ($25.00) made out to: Direct Konnections with your name and/or business listing and/or website, city, state and country to: Spheres, c/o Direct Konnections, 113 Sunlit Dr. West, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508 To pay by credit card go to and pay us via our email address :) (-See form to fill out and send in with your $25. donation below-postmarked by 5-30-09) If you pay by credit card simply send in your Listing by email. Call: 505) 988-1718 or email: for other advertising and sponsorship opportunities! Thank you for your support!


*YES! I would like to support and be a part of the special new Spheres Circular E-Zine celebrating the 9-Year Anniversary-Summer '09 Issue, and have my name, and/or business OR website, city and state, listed on the special "CONNECTING! PAGE” with a heading for anchoring in positivity! I have enclosed a donation of a check or money order made out to: Direct Konnections, in the amount of: $_________, for my listing (see below). Name and/or Business and/OR website:___________________________________________ City, State, Country: ______________________________________________________


************************************************* *The Spheres Circular E-zine is a Direct Konnections publication. Direct Konnections is "Innovative P.R., " specializing in direct promotions and referrals of conscious businesses and services, owned and operated by Spheres publisher and circle facilitator, Deborah Koppel Mitchell. Deborah is available for consulting, facilitating, interviews, and creating "Circle Events." To contact Deborah and to find out more about Direct Konnections services, including customized email blasts sent out to our "Local" and "Global Lists" of women and men who are into personal development, and conscious, healthful living, call: 505) 988-1718 or email:

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