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From: Bettye J.
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009, 10:25 AM
Subject: Emerging Woman
ID: 268254

Greetings you beautiful GTW women! I have not posted anything for quite awhile and I am delighted at the messages posted and in my mailbox. Welcome newbies! My name is Bettye Johnson and I am an author. In fact, two of my books Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls and Mary Magdalene, Her Legacy are both Independent Publishers Book Awards winners 2006 and 2008 respectively. My latest book is Awkening the Genie Within - a non-fiction self-help and partial memoir.

People have asked me what my next book will be about. For starters, I am moving into a different modality for the time being and doing something I have had a desire to do for many years. I have been active in women's issues since the 1970's and now I have created Emerging Woman Workshops using the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated over the years. Have workshop - will travel. What is emerging woman about? Women have been suppressed and discriminated against for eons. Now is the time to be achievers and doers as doors open to new potentials and possibilities with a greater understanding of the past in order to move into the future with freedom.

In my workshops that I have developed, I delve into why the female power was subjugated to male power. With understanding, we can move out of the shadow into the 21st century. I also have segments of reweaving the past into the future, creating your personal Life Map and balancing your personal power.

My background: I left the cotton fields of Texas and Texas Women's University to work in the U.S. embassies of Paris and Tokyo. I married a career military man and had 3 sons. I emerged and became a U.S. Federal Women's Program Coordinator for a government district, program director of a holistic health center, an ordained minister of Divine Science (now retired) and now an author and workshop leader.

I am spreading my wings with my Emerging Woman workshops and will travel the world if I am sponsored - covering travel. hotel and a reasonable fee.

My next Emerging Woman Workshop is being held in Olympia, Washington on June 13 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. $50. Please go to my website and click on Bookstore for pre-registration. I also have a blog

I look forward to hearing from you and perhaps meeting you in person. Bettye Johnson

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