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From: Christina B.
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 3:26 PM
Subject: Announcing WiseClimate 2009 Program
ID: 268814

Dear GTW Sisters,

As a member of Gather The Women and of Vessels of Peace, I wanted to tell you about a program starting in October. Vessels of Peace has been collaborating in various ways with the Gaiafield Center for Subtle Activism for over a year now. Last fall we participated in the GCSA WiseUSA project -- attending conference calls or holding sacred space for the calls. Some members have continued to be involved since then in the GCSA ongoing Friday Deep Listening calls as well as in the co-creating their next public project -- The WiseClimate Program. Core Circle members will be presenting classes in the WiseClimate Learning Community program as well as holding space for the public calls. We hope that you will join us in this opportunity either by participating in the GCSA public calls and/or the Learning Community. Please see below for a description of The WiseClimate Program and how to register for the Learning Community. (The formating of the orginal message did not carryover accurately to this bulletin board post, but it is readable, I hope.)

Christina Brewer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gaiafield Times August 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- WiseClimate 2009! -- WiseClimate Public Program -- WiseClimate Learning Community -- Deep Listening call Friday Sept 4, 8.30-9.30am PST, 4.30-5.30pm GMT -- Gaiafield Planet

Dear Christina,

We are excited to announce the launch of WiseClimate 2009, a ten week subtle activism program from October to December 2009 to provide spiritual support for all those working for a healthy global climate. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to anyone you think may be interested in the program.

WiseClimate 2009! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We the people, the ancestors of our great, great grandchildren, call forth the deepest wisdom and the highest compassion from all those working for a healthy global climate, for the benefit of the entire Earth community and the next seven generations. May Wisdom and Peace Prevail on Earth" In the fall and winter of 2009, the UN Climate Change conference will convene in Copenhagen, a key energy bill will be put before the US Senate, and other critical climate-change related events will occur. Join people all around the world in meditation, prayers, and celebration to support the highest and best outcomes emerging from these important forums this fall.

WiseClimate has 2 components: a Public Program and a Learning Community.

WiseClimate Public Program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Public Program involves a series of "deep listening" Talkcasts (via teleconference and audio webcast) that will coincide with critical climate change and healthcare reform events in the world, including: October 24 - Climate Action Day (organized by Second week of November - WiseClimate Council of All Beings (potential live event in San Francisco) December 2 (Australia)/December 1 (USA and Europe) - WiseClimate peak event - Global meditation broadcast live from the Parliament of World Religions in Melbourne, Australia December TBD - UN Climate Change Resolution voting day For more information, click here.

WiseClimate Learning Community ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deepen your experience of subtle activism in a 10-week program involving: 6 teleconference classes involving small group support for personal goals and learning a personal commitment to a daily intention practice which YOU design and are supported by your small group to maintain optional weekly community "deep listening" calls optional online discussion group participation in the Public Program Presentation topics will include:

An Orientation to Subtle Activism (Monday October 5) The Subtle Activist's Guide to Climate Change (Monday October 19) Subtle Activism and Shadow Work (Monday November 2) Subtle Activism Practices 1 - Sound Healing (Monday November 16) Subtle Activism Practices 2 - Spaceholding (Monday Date TBD) WiseClimate program final reflections (Date TBD)

(While we encourage live participation, classes will be recorded and available on archive.)

To participate in the Learning Community program, we suggest an energy exchange of time, money, or in-kind support. The deep listening calls are a free offering. We suggest that financial contributions for the classes and support groups be in the range of $50-$100 for the whole program. Scholarships and work/study arrangements are available.

Join us! The Learning Community is limited to 35 participants. To reserve your place, please send an email to with a brief note about your interest, your subtle activism background and your energy exchange preference.

Deep Listening call Friday Sept 4, 8.30-9.30am PST, 4.30-5.30pm GMT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please join us for our next public deep listening call on Friday Sept 4, 8.30-9.30am PST. This will be the first call in the "co-creation" phase of our WiseClimate Program.

To access the call by webcast, click here. By phone, call 724-444-7444; ID 25028#, 1#.

Gaiafield Planet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And please check out the many wonderful upcoming subtle activism initiatives.... Inspired Action Conference, Findhorn, Scotland, April 3-10, 2010. Gaiafield co-founder David Nicol will give a presentation on "Subtle Activism" at this conference that aims to explore the crucial link between inner wisdom and outer action.

Project Peace on Earth - September 21, 2009 - a remarkable free concert, by world-class musicians, for peace and healing in the Middle East, in Manger Square, Bethlehem. The concert will be broadcast via internet to a global audience.

International Day of Peace - September 21, 2009. The largest annual global meditation and prayer vigil - please join in in your own way!

Earthdance - September 26, 2009 - The world's most inspiring dance party, with a globally-synchronized prayer for peace as the energetic centerpiece.

And please check out the wonderful activities of our partner organizations: Culture of Peace Initiative, CommonPassion, Earthdance, Zambuling Institute for Human Transformation, World Peace Prayer Society, Vessels of Peace, Lorian Association

in gratitude and with blessings,

The Gaiafield Wisdom Council

Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ email: web: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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