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From: Sharon Riegie M.
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 7:00 AM
Subject: Honoring the Sacred Feminine at the Parliament of the World's Religions
Reply to: 269049
ID: 269050

Dear Kathe:

This is a posting for our social networks... another way to let our circles know. Thanks for traveling the world as an ambassador for women. You add value to those in other areas of this unfoldment.

Lots of love,

Sharon Riegie Maynard

--- On Wed, Oct 21, 2009, in msg269049, Kathe Schaaf wrote ---

To women of Spirit everywhere: Wonderful news! The program staff at the Parliament of the World's Religions has tenatively approved our proposal to create an event to honor and celebrate the Sacred Feminine at the 2009 Parliament. The Parliament brings together spiritual leaders from around the globe every five years and was created to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities and to foster a just, peaceful and sustainable world. The next Parliament is scheduled to convene in Melbourne, Australia, December 4-9th, 2009 and presents an exciting opportunity to raise awareness about the Sacred Feminine. The idea of creating a celebration of the Sacred Feminine at the Parliament was born almost two years ago at a Gather The Women conference in St. Cloud, MN. The concept was nurtured at the Constellations of Hope gathering last fall and has continued to evolve ever since. Individuals from religious traditions around the world have come to know and experience the Divine Mother. Her face is reflected in Kuan Yin, Tara, Shiva, the Virgin Mary, Mother Earth and many other forms. Her voice is too often missing from formalized religion so we are joyful to have this opportunity to invite visitors at the Parliament to come together to honor and celebrate the Sacred Feminine. We plan to hold the event on the grassy expanse of lawn between the Exhibition Hall and the Yarra River, and to enjoy a creative exploration of the Divine Feminine in the music, dance, poetry and song of many traditions, co-created by women around the world. We trust the result will be a powerful and inspiring experience that promotes spiritual unity, empowers women as spiritual leaders, and acknowledges and celebrates the Sacred Feminine. We need your help! Please share your thoughts and ideas for the celebration with us. We are particularly seeking recommendations of groups and/or individuals that might like to participate with a short presentation of music, dance, poetry or song. We are committed to having diverse spiritual traditions represented. If you know a group who might like to participate, please let us know, and if you will be in Melbourne, please join us! There is another exciting opportunity to make feminine Spirit visible at this Parliament. A program cluster has emerged around 'Women's Leadership' and we are excited about this opportunity to build energy and awareness of the value of women as spiritual leaders. We are planning various activities and events to engage Parliament delegates in an exploration and inquiry about the many forms of feminine leadership. We would welcome co-creators to help shape and hold these women's impulses at the Parliament. Please contact one of us (e-mail addresses below) if you would like to join one or both of these streams of activity. If you can not be physically present, please hold this endeavor in your thoughts, intentions, and prayers, for in uplifting the Sacred Feminine at the Parliament, we will uplift women everywhere. On behalf of the Sacred Feminine, Meredith Tenney Kathe Schaaf P.S. Feel free to pass this message along.


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