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From: Beverley D.
Date: Friday, November 13, 2009, 8:40 AM
Subject: Ponder This: Empowering School Students with Soul Purpose
ID: 269243

Yesterday, I participated in a networking project with a high-school class of juniors in Fort Wayne, IN. I gleaned noteworthy information from the interaction with these bright young men and women. The students are studying business and their project was to network with the business volunteers sharing their concepts.

The concepts or inventions had to address a consumer need that is not presently in the market. There was a variety of creative ideas and many of them could be developed into thriving businesses. I was proud to be a part of the workshop.

All of the students blew me away with their creativity and their ability to express their ideas. One particular young man stunned me with his idea. He had expanded his concept into a world mission, where he would design a product that would benefits others, while still making a profit. I was impressed with his vision, he deeply touched my heart!

Want to continue reading about the school projects and the other ideas of the children? Visit out blog to finish reading this article and other "Ponder This" Articles: . Feel free to leave your comments!

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