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From: Sharon Riegie M.
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 7:01 AM
Subject: The Feminine Arising
ID: 269441

Many of you will have followed the Women Spirit Council sisters on their journey to the World Parliment of Religions. Here is the posting of another sister who also created space there. Solstice greetings to you

- as those of Earth tradition in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate Summer Solstice/Litha when the Radiance of Light peaks, and turns into the Dark: It is the celebration of Ripening, the Bliss of Union ... the giving of our full Creativity to the Cosmos.

and the Northern Hemisphere celebrates the Seasonal Moment of Winter Solstice/Yule when the Womb of Darkness reaches Her fullness, and turns into the Light: it is a celebration of the miracle of Existence, for receiving the Gift of Birth, and and Her eternal Re-creation. and some news: The Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne Dec 3 – 9 was an awesome event. What a gathering! I was deeply impressed by the Indigenous presence - of many global places, and including those who represented my own Old European tradition and heritage. The Indigenous Assembly - about 10 indigenous elders - presented a charter at the closing ceremony, amongst which was a request for official recanting of the “Doctrine of Discovery" ... very important I think, a re-instatement of the Integrity of the Mother, the Land in Her Native state, our Source of being.

For some of my reflections on the Parliament see: and post#11 at

My own presentations on the 7th December (“The New Archaic: Neuroscience, Spiritual Practice and Healing” and also “PaGaian Cosmology” within the context of “Australian Pagans Speak”) were very well received, and the rooms were overflowing. My co-presenters and I for the New Archaic were stopped frequently by people in the days following to thank us for a great session ... one told us it was in the top 100. My co-presenters, Anne Benvenuti and Elizabeth Davenport, and I will be re-presenting this program at the Spiritual Director’s International conference in San Francisco in April 2010.

Blissings Glenys It takes the whole story of the Universe to get to any moment, and so, we may express graciousness for it all.

Glenys Livingstone, Ph.D. (Social Ecology) Bru-na-BigTree, Blue Mountains AUSTRALIA

Many blessings,

Sharon Riegie Maynard

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