Evolutionary Women From: Casey Wood
Date: Friday, April 13, 2007
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www.chironbabies.com Body Work Instruction

Casey Wood 310-430-9283

Your body’s energy safety locks are part of a tactile language you can learn from me in 4 days. Nurture your body to health, soothe disease. Use with partners, children, grandparents or as an adjunct to any health modality.

In a 4 Day Intensive you will learn to listen to the 12 wrist pulses, interpret your own body Oracle’s messages, allow and support your own innate healing mechanisms, plus much, much more about energy, yourself and your body. You will also learn how to respond appropriately to this information. Much of life’s experience is easier with an energy vocabulary. Patterns and addictions are simpler to understand and change.

The class is held in my home in Desert Hot Springs, CA unless someone wishes to host the group. We share potluck organic, vegetarian meals and snacks. Class hours are from 9am to 6pm. The cost is $550, which includes workbooks ($70 value) and handouts. Credit Cards are accepted. There is a lovely European Clothing Optional Resort (www.livingwatersspa.com) next door with hotel rooms and condos for rent.

The next intensive will be held April 20-23, with two more scheduled for April 28 to May 1 and May 5-8. Once you have taken my 4-Day workshop you may participate in future classes by donation. (Suggested $250 for full 4 days or $75 for the first day only to review basics. Anyone who has taken Jin Shin Jyutsu, High Touch Jin Shin, or Jin Shin Do classes may attend for the repeat price. Namaste.)

I’m looking forward to creating a weekly group, once we have enough people locally to maintain the attendance at 5 or 6. Call me to schedule an Introductory Talk to your group.

Please join me for an adventure in self-discovery where the “I AM is”.