Evolutionary Women From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2007
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Hello Evolutionary Women,

This is a quick note to tell you that the registration is up and ready on our web site for the October retreat in Maryland. (There some revisions going on, but you can register)

Evolutionary Women Cocreative Leaders of the 21st Century

October 5-7, 2007

Pearlstone Retreat Center outside Baltimore Maryland

We'd love to see you there. The women in the Baltimore core group are wonderful. Our event in April was so successful, we're ready to do it again.

We would also love your support in reaching out to the surrounding area. Who do you know in New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Delaware as well as the rest of the country. We will have the colorful electronic flyer available soon and we'll send it to you and ask you to forward it.

Thanks for your support.

We hope all is well with you.

Lots of Love,

Lucky and Bonnie and Andrea