Evolutionary Women From: Connie Eberhart
Date: Friday, October 12, 2007
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This is the link that will take you to all of the pictures, and where you will be able to leave comments...You will probably have to copy and past the link:


Post your own photos and videos by emailing them to: evolutionarywomen.retreat@pickle.com

Stay tuned for a MUCH BETTER presentation of The Women's Millionaire Network! I am at the Braveheart Women Conference (right now!) and will have lots to share very soon!

One more note....I purchased the book "The Power of Yin" at the conference. It consists of the dialogue of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston and.........(can't remember the last name.....) that took place at least 20 years ago. Amazing how current and RIGHT ON it is!

I'll be back soon!

xoxo Connie