Evolutionary Women From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Saturday, October 13, 2007
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Good Morning all you lovely ladies and to all of you supporting cast.

I am in the process of updating my Light pages, there are some wonderful new questions there since I first posted my introduction. l mention the introduction because while reading it this morning I thought, I was an Evoultionary Women before I knew what one was. It was like I channeled what I would be saying after the retreat in April, when I really knew what those qualities stood for.

I love the video clip and all the wonderful sharing going on. I feel like I was not there in person but in spirit and my energy was connected through that golden heart thread that Lucky spread from Women to Women in one of the first opening meditations in April. The group continues to be connected and growing with each retreat, with each story that is shared, with each dream as it unfolds.

Since April alot has transpired for me. I will be sharing my new news on my updated light pages. News about "First Contact" and how I am plugging away at my dream... molding and shaping it.. My Goddess retreats and my latest gifting of teaching Reiki 1 to those who are interested but otherwise could not afford to take a class.

More to come beautiful Ones............I feel you strong....I will stay awake with you!

