Evolutionary Women From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Saturday, October 13, 2007
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Huge thanks to those of you who are generating momentum for all of us by writing messages and equal thanks to those of you who are reading them --and imbibing the news. The accruing depth of a woman's capacty to embody awareness, comprehend life-signals, respond to inherent activation and step into the ever-evolving role of the emerging archetype of Evolutionary Women continues to blow my mind and bring me to my knees in awe of the process we've embarked on together. As Barbara Hubbard says: The crisis is a birth.... and today's Evolutionary Women most certainly are coded with the natural tools to be conduits of the awakening authenticity and "Oneness unity..." as leavening agents for bringing healing to our planetary situation. As the "Beingness" of our self- awareness becomes more and more stable because we can truly see ourselves in eachothers' radiant eyes, our contribution to the consciousness of the social evolution of the planet increases exponentially.

Please know wherever you are, whatever you are doing, all of you are creating the coherence of this burgeoning field of awakening women. We as a collective are becoming ever more attuned to the Spiritual Impluse of Creation --creating through us, as us. We are actual embodiments of the new forms of creation. Women just naturally grok this. Gosh I am proud of what we are doing and by the way.. ABOUT MEN... they are awakening to this same vital function because they're made up of feminine aspects as well... They too will feel the surges of confindence and coherence bubbling up inside as they begin to realize how important it is to honor the inner sanctity as the Source of what they are outpicturing. Women really are leaders in this awareness... Afterall this is "multi-tasking" in its highest incarnation!!!

Loving you, Bonnie Kelley