Evolutionary Women From: Anita Pathik Law
Date: Sunday, October 28, 2007
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Dear Evolutionary Women,

I am writing to invite you to attend a special teleconference event with the Power of Our Way Community called "When Tragedy Strikes - The TRUTH of the Human Spirit" tomorrow, Monday, October 29th and/or Tuesday, November 6th.
Please register for this powerfully candid Conscious Dialogue in response to hundreds of emails regarding the recent events in California, The Middle East, and many, many personal stories of struggle, pain and undesired manifestation...
We will dialogue together, pray together and heal together. Register today at www.powerofmyway.com/teleseminars.html and join us in a collective intention to move tragedy into triumph, anger into love and fear into faith.
Once you register you will be provided with a collection of special resources from your extended family at The Power of Our Way Community.
Also, sign up for the November 7th dialogue with powerhouse Jackie Lapin...
And, read today's article on the blog at http://powerofourway.blogs.com
Let's Take a Look at A Higher Perspective - Together, on Behalf of the Entire Human Race...

This morning I read a series of comments from Joe Vitale's blog readers after he posted his thoughts about the recent fires in San Diego.

It is important enough to share here, especially as we try to process and make sense of such an incredible series of losses, such as we are seeing in California, or Darfur, or the Middle East, or in New Orleans, or any number of unfortunate situations that remind us of a great need for compassion, forgiveness, healing and grace.

I believe we have an opportunity to look beyond the specifics of the situations we "attract" or experience in our lives or as an observer to the lives of others. Let's instead look at the golden opportunities and treasures that we are gifted within the situations...
And, read today's article on the blog at http://powerofourway.blogs.com

Please pass along this email and invite others to join us for this transformational dialogue about the human spirit, law of attraction  myths and misperceptions and The Power of Our Way Medicine Wheel, a new powerful model for individual and global transformation!

Namaste, Anita
www.powerofourway.com - New group begins November 1

Dare Dreamers LLC

1305 Seabright Court
Annapolis, Maryland