Evolutionary Women From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Sunday, February 24, 2008
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Hello enthusiastic, prolific, inspiring writers!

We have 47 women on the writing list. (See below. Names are alphabetical by first name.)

A few reminders:

Deadline for 1500 word story is Sat, March 15.

$50 submission fee is to be sent to:

Evolutionary Women

c/o Andrea Hylen

4312 Leeds Ave

Baltimore, Md. 21229

Bonnie is coordinating writing support with phone calls on Tues night for the next three weeks.

Enjoy the process. Nurture yourSelves.

Lots of Love,


List of Writers:

Amanda Koh

Andrea Hylen

Anne Frances Martin

BB Harding

Betsy McMahan

Billie Delawie

Bonnie Kelley

Cara Michelle Nether

Charlene Proctor

Colleen Forsythe

Connie Eberhart

Cynthia King

Deborah Koppel Mitchell

Dotti Drumm

Eleanor LeCain

Elizabeth Redington

Gina Cawley

Ginny Robertson

Ginny Vaughn

Jan St. John

Jean Molina

Jeanie DeRousseau

Joanna Clark

Karen Porter

Kelly Lundahl

Kim Prucha

Kimberly King

Kimberly Marooney

Kryta Deere

Laura Mack

LaVonne Rees

Lori Ann David

Lucky Sweeny

Marcia Merrill

Marilyn Clarks

Marilyn Tedeschi

Mary Redington

Megan Havrda

Megan Woolever

Natasha Westrich Woods

Pamela Mosley

Patricia Holt

Sage Knight

Sarah Werbelow

Star Riparetti

Susan Gardener

Terri Diener