Evolutionary Women From: Connie Eberhart
Date: Monday, March 17, 2008
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Hello Beautiful Evolutionary Women!

Sorry that I have been keeping such a low profile lately....I have been very busy keeping a close eye on the growth and evolution of Humanity Unites Brilliance.....which I would now like to introduce you to....

However, this particular message is going to be brief, and I will follow up with a message that gives you more detail.

For now, I invite you to learn a bit more by going to www.ihaveimpact.com.

Essentially, we are a For-profit (For-Benefit) Humanitarian Organization that provides exponential and sustainable funding to Humanitarian efforts that are working to move all people of the world from a place of survival, through self-empowerment, to sustained abundance. We don't just 'provide fish, but teach fisherman to fish'. We are also providing Mirco-loans to many, many women. We work very closely with Muhamud Yunus......so much more to say, and so very exciting, but you can learn more at www.ihaveimpact.com

We are also working closely with the Global Works program at Rev. Michael Beckwith's Agape Spiritual Center. He also has a number of positions within the organization. There is now a table set up each Sunday, signing many people up. It is soon going to be spreading like wildfire! In addition, there are many other conversations happening right now with some other very influential people. Keep in mind, we do not even officially launch until June 1st, and at that point, it will simply be amazing!

But to get to the point.....I have sponsored Evolutionary Women within the matrix. I am anticipating it to not only provide exponential and sustainable funding, but great exposure, as well! Every woman that is currently a part of HUB, is most certainly an Evolutionary Woman! Many will be very anxious to learn of our organization! AND......our book will be exposed to Many, Many, Many! So if this opportunity resonates with you, know that your participation, and any that you share this with, will be going towards supporting Evolutionary Women!

OK.....Barbara's talk tonight.....visit http://womenhealingwomenhealingearth.com/PersonalDevelopment.aspx

Monday, March 17th 6:30pm PST (605) 475-8800 6997678# Special Guest Speaker: Barbara Marx Hubbard Topic: Awakening from Personal Awareness to Global Awareness

If anyone is interested, I would love to set up a conference call to discuss HUB further. For now, take a look at the website, and see how this feels to you. For me, I cannot be more excited! This truly is what I've been waiting for!

I love you all, and look forward to seeing thousands and thousands of women recognize themselves to be Evolutionary Women!

Love, Love, Love, Connie Eberhart (310) 774-6422