Evolutionary Women From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008
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Today, Sunday, May 11, is the LAST DAY of the Early Bird price for the Baltimore One Day Retreat on June 22, A Day of Celebrating Your Brillance. This is going to be a very fun and uplifting day, in a beautiful setting at Bon Secours Spiritual Center, in Marriottsville, MD.

The cost for the day is $99, EARLY BIRD is $88.

You are invited. Join us on June 22nd

Enroll at: www.evolutionarywomen.org

I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

Love. Lucky

PS. Coming in August, 2008, The Freedom Retreat: August 15-17 in Marriotsville MD. Another amazing weekend with Evolutionary Women. Special Guest Presenter: Christine Kloser, Author of The Freedom Formula and Publisher of our book, Conscious Choices, An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life.