Evolutionary Women From: Star Riparetti
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2008
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My Dear Cosmic Friends and Galactic Family,

Here we are gloriously in the midst of two intense full moons- the next one being a rare blue moon. It is the Wesak Full Moon- which in the Buddhist tradition is a holy time of healing and enlightenment. It is the celebration of the birth, death, and enlightenment of Buddha. It is a focal point to commune with the ascended realms. With this great potential for new beginnings we can fully embody our divinity, create peace and catalyze miracles. This is a potent time for holding the visions of what we want! The full moon is May 19/20.

In this celebratory mode, and as promised in my last e-mail- I have some BRAND NEW PRODUCTS to introduce! Ros, our East Coast CEO who handles bottling and shipping from Massachusetts and her partner Pete were talking about a spray for paragliding. In the discussion of a name, Ros said Leap of Faith, which we immediately loved. And as a new spray, you will love it, too! It seems we are all being called to action on one level or another to take a Leap of Faith. Here is a spray to assist and support you in that Leap. The essences in it are: Faith and Courage, Let Go and Trust, Violet Flame, Strength and Chi and the essential oils are Cedarwood, which inspires emotional strength and helps to center, Cardamom, which gives the nervous system a boost and is mildly stimulating and Clary sage which is calming, relaxing and euphoric. Use Leap of Faith for trust, confidence, and inspiration. Hmmmmm. I'll take a dozen bottles......

More New Things: We have changed our Yoga Mind and Star Speaker to Mouth Mists- meaning you spray them directly into your mouth- to transform your life - as you transform your breath...They have Flower and Gemstone essences as well as essential oils. They are very tasty! And powerful! I originally made the Angel Breath Mouth Mist so that I would remember to take the Andean Orchid Essence "Freedom/Libertad with 24K gold" several times a day. I always have a bottle in my car. It has the Freedom/Libertad Andean Orchid Flower essence as well as Mint, Cinnamon, and Clove.

The Star Speaker has the essences Balance and Stability, Faith and Courage, Freedom/Libertad, Magenta Zeal Point, and Blue Sapphire and essential oils of Eucalyptus and Fennel. (Lots of good things for the throat) It will help you speak your truth through your voice with heart. As so many of us are being called to step up and out- I recommend the Star Speaker. Again, something I created for myself... Helping with “stage fright” which we re-language as “excitement.”

And then we have Yoga Mind with the essences of Anchoring Light, Balance and Stability, One Heart, Deep Breath, Initiation of the Heartlight, Chrysoprase, Diamond and Rose Quartz with the essential oilsof Lemon, Orange and Tangerine. (Putting three citruses together you increase the vibration exponentially.) We have become acutely aware of how important what is going on in our head is, and Yoga Mind Mouth Mist can help the process of balancing and quieting the mind. Yoga Mind holds the qualities of infinite patience, balanced body, dynamic stillness, cosmic perception, and luminous presence.

To encourage you to try them all we have a special Special Deal! Buy all 3 Mouth Mists and the Leap of faith Spray for only $49.00! (A $64.00 value)- And if you want to get 2 of each- you can do that for only $99.00 and save even more. This offer is good through June 10.

Another exciting thing is that Kevin, our brilliant general manager, is deciphering our website code, and we are looking forward to having our updated site happen soon. In the meantime, you can still order from our lovely antique site, or give us a call.

I am So Grateful to each one of you reading this! I have added a couple of things to the blog (click here)- about a labyrinth experience at Chaska Norte Sanctuary, and also a short, sweet story about the Earth Balancing Trinity and a rainbow. With our transition in full swing, and earth changes on the rise, the Earth is happy for us to continue to use this Earth Balancing Trinity of Essences, so we will continue to offer it for $13.00 for a one ounce concentrate so you can make lots of bottles from it, or free, if you are temporarily financially challenged. You can call us or e-mail us. Click here for info.

The Star Essence Practitioner Certification Course will be held this year Saturday, July 12th and Sunday 13th. The energy is already building and I know it will again be the best class ever. I just returned from another high, high, high intensive meditation retreat with beloved Sai Maa and so if you come to the class you will receive that transmission as well. (Her website is www.humanityinunity.org)

The Certification Course is a great price- ($155. if you sign up before and that includes Lunch on Saturday!- as well as a personal essence, the book, Bliss and Blessings, a Certificate, lots of knowledge, fun and new friends. For any essences you order between now and the course you will receive whatever discounts are given during the class in the form of credits toward more essences. I encourage you to start buying concentrates and making some combinations.

Santa Barbara is a great place to visit. The course will be held two short blocks from the beach. We can give you some ideas for hotel accommodations. On Monday everyone is invited up to Chaska Norte Sanctuary to walk the labyrinth and integrate the weekend in Nature. This class always fills. Sign up now and save a few bucks.

Take the Leap of Faith and order our new stuff! Sign up for the Practitioner Course held July 12 and 13 which has been named by some to be in the top 10 life changing high vibe events. It’s FUN and it is great to add the Star Essences to your tool box for transformation.

And remember the Wesak Full Moon on May 19/20 - May 19/20 - 7:11 PM PDT May 19; 10:11 PM EDT May 19; 3:11 AM GMT May 20 also called the Full Flower Moon in the farmer’s almanac. Reserve a moment to receive new recalibrated frequencies, and to send prayers to everyone affected by the recent shifts on the planet.

Infinite Joy, Love and Abounding Blessings, Star

Star Riparetti Star Essence 312 W Yanonali St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Toll Free (888) 277-4955 Phone/Fax: (805) 965-1619 Email: bliss@staressence.com www.staressence.com