Evolutionary Women From: Martine D'Haeseleer
Date: Saturday, August 23, 2008
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Dear Women of the World,

I am more and more convinced that our new expression in Life, our professional expression, has to

come more and more in harmony with our femenine expression.

Let us share our visions ' with a femenine point of view' - (thank you Betty we are on the same energy

level !)

As Women, We can choose that our profession shall be, from now on, the powerful

expression of feminity, of our intelligence, wisdom, and the expression of our creativity.

An old world and its old rules is collapsing and time has come for us to be proud of ourselves.

We do not need anymore to use 'masculine' tools to be valued or to take our own place in society.

There is no way to success in choosing systems where we are going to loose our identity or

personality, because those are not the authentic expression of our true self.

The expression of our true femenine divinity.

It took me a long long time to understand this , because those femenine values were not valued.!!!

Emotions were not alowed to be expressed if we wanted to survive in a 'masculine' world.

But now, time has come to dare express and manifest our true personality.

So, this was my evlolution path for long long years and now I dare present my artistic expression, my

feminine expression and the expression of my feelings.

I propose you to follow the link to the exhibition of my paintings.


Those are the expression of my shamanic part, the expression of Healing Art, i am reconnecting

ancient knowledges.

My paintings can help you heal your soul, or help you in your evolution along your path to femenine


Some of my paintings will help you improve the energy in your home, or office, improving the yin or

yang energy of your place , or improving the circulation of feng shui energy.

If you feel interested you can order copies of my paintings, reproductions on canvass are available and

can be send at a reasonable price all over the world.

The price is according to the dimensions you need.

Follow the link of you feel interested:


And if you want to know more about what i propose to help you in your evolution path to feminine

empowerment, ie: the manifestation of your feminine power, intelligence and wisdom,

please take a glimpse at my website:


If you feel interested in organizing my seminars, please take contact with me.

Yours really truly
