Evolutionary Women From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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Thriving in the Turbulence and Giving Your Gift into a World that Needs It

A One Day Retreat for Women

Saturday October 24, 2009

10:00 AM— 5:00 PM

Columbia MD

We are living in a time of dramatic change. Uncertainty, doubt and fear surround us. Barbara Marx Hubbard says: “Our crisis is a birth. Out of these breakdowns come the breakthroughs to our new world.”

This is true for each of us personally. As we move into our own authentic magnificence we will let go of the limitations that keep us bound in a self that we have outgrown. We are like the caterpillar that releases its form to be transformed into a butterfly.

In this special experiential day, we will focus on the Unique Gifts that each of us brings into our world. You have a gift to give. And your world needs it. You may know what it is or you may have an inkling of it. Our day together will be a creative, supportive and energizing birthing place to allow your next step in giving your gift to emerge.

Fee: $88 Bring a lunch and we’ll supply drinks and dessert.

Where: The Center for Embodied Consciousness 10450 Shaker Drive Suite 110 Columbia 21046

For more information contact: Lucky Sweeny at: luckysweeny@gmail.com or 410-433-1520.

To register online: (copy into your browser) http://tinyurl.com/ew10-09