Evolutionary Women From: Connie Eberhart
Date: Monday, November 9, 2009
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Hello Dear Ones!

I would say that most of the women on this mailing list have heard Barbara Marx Hubbard at least a couple of times.

Well, the world has finally caught up to what she has been speaking about for years! And 'the masses' are now beginning to perk up their ears and re-cognize the truth and wisdom in Barbara's message!

And yet, I would also say that it is not so much the message that she 'delivers to' us, but it is the potency of the Knowing that she brings forth from within us that is so Power-full! There are soooo many people that are now becoming activated to what is wanting to emerge through them! She has a way of bringing words and clarity to what so many of us are feeling on a deep level.

Many of the calls that Barbara does are a 'one-time deal'. And people are then left wanting more!

Well, through the technology of MaestroConference, Barbara is now offering a 5-week interactive teleseries called,
The Way of the Co-Creator:  How to Become an Evolutionary Leader.

And it begins this Wednesday....11/11!

I have a strong feeling that something is going to emerge from this gathering......

And I would love for you to help us to hold this Field.....and to be held by it!

This 5-week series costs $119. Worth every cent.

I realize that many of us are feeling a bit challenged in terms of financial flow. What I would love to see happen in order to make this available to as many people as possible, is to suggest getting together as a group and purchasing a single pin code. You can then all listen via speakerphone and dialogue afterwards! What is wanting to be activated in YOUR group?!

Anyway.........learn more by going to http://www.LivingCoCreation.com.

You may also see a video intro that we did at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i86o7WUvIbY

(For those of you that may have Facebook or Twitter accounts, please consider posting this video and/or website!)

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Much Love!

Connie Eberhart
(310) 774.6422