Evolutionary Women From: Pamela Mosley
Date: Monday, December 14, 2009
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 Thank you, Lucky and Bonnie and Sage for calling for this call and holding beautiful space for it.  Perfect time to connect in, as life is swirling with delight ... over Norway and over each of our heads!!  Oy vay!  Staying awake!  I'll join in as soon as I can tomorrow.  xoxoxPamela


--- On Mon, Dec 14, 2009, in msg269442, Lucky Sweeny wrote --- A Solstice Circle of Evolutionary Women You are invited to a seasonal sharing with other EWs Tuesday December 15 6PM PT/ 9PM ET 1 hour Conference Call line: 218-862-1300 Access #: 907678 Please Join us for a Sharing of our thoughts and feelings, here at the end and the beginning of years. We'll have a little meditataion and check-in and sharing. Sage Knight will facilitate us in our conversation. We'd love to hear your voices and your essence. Last month we had a call and it was so nice to be in---