Evolutionary Women From: Sage Knight
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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Hi, Lucky ~


I am reminded of a reading from the Starseed Transmissions. While at Harbin a few weeks ago, I listened as the yoga teacher shared from this book which was written in the 80's.

He read that the second coming of Christ would be a field of Universal Oneness in consciousness, exactly what we are experiencing now. The internet is one way we are beginning to share in thought, mind, experience, consciousness. We, collectively, are the second coming. Those of us who are conscious of this fact have an advantage, and, I think, a responsibility to ourselves and each other.

I am grateful for each of you in our resonant field...

Love, Sage

--- On Tue, Apr 12, 2011, in msg271816, Lucky Sweeny wrote ---

Hi my Beloved EWs.

I wanted to share this little essay below with you. It came today from a friend's question. I hope it sparks some thoughts in you. I love you. oxoxo Lucky

A friend emailed me and asked what I thought about the “intense energies” of now. This is my view of this time.

It is very intense right now. Over the past 2 decades, I think we've gotten so used to feeling the energies and not much has really occurred that it's taking us some time to incorporate that the "Shift" or whatever you may call it is actually happening right now. And fortunately for us in the U.S., it's relatively calm, unless you watch the politics, as opposed to Japan, which may be on the verge of the end of life as they have known it.

As people who probably chose to come here for this time, for our own soul experience and to be of service to humanity and the Universe, we are experiencing it in the fiber of our body and the energies of our soul. Realignments, releasing and expanding. Whatever we need to upgrade to more fully BE our full potential Self is being activated both within us and in our external circumstances.

Everything is a lesson and a gift. We all get to look at our shadow self at the same time as our True Divine Self. We know that surrender and allowing continue to be major areas of development. Accepting the truth of what is and the willingness to allow Light and Love and the Desired Outcome to come forth, even when it looks impossible.

Being in community is crucial. Whether that's one other kindred soul, a small group or a village. We must have a place, a resonant field, where we can fully express the challenges and the joys of this evolutionary time. Because, we are the evolution, it's not happening to us, it's happening as us. We are the process, we are the earthly generators in co-creation with the Universe in this new world.

I stand with all my Beloveds, right next to you in person or in spirit that we are One, what is happening to you is happening to me and I will hold in the Light what hurts for you and you will do the same for me. And we will hold in the Light each other's insights, discoveries, breakthroughs and revelations that will inform us all.

Rumi has said; "Out beyond all ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing

there is a field...I will meet you there...”

Thich Nhat Hanh has said:

“It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community -a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important thing we can do for the survival of the earth. “

Thanks for inspiring this message, my Friend, I needed to say it to myself.


April 12, 2011
