Evolutionary Women From: Andrea Hylen
Date: Monday, September 19, 2011
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Reminder of this great event with Lucky Sweeny.

If you signed up already the Instant Teleseminar info will emailed later today!

These are great tools and one of my personal lifelines!

Lots of Love, Andrea

--- On Wed, Aug 31, 2011, in msg272278, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Do YOU want to BE a Better informed Player in Your Life?

Cosmic Awakenings Presents:

A Teleseminar for the Autumnal Equinox Celebration:

Astrology Forecast for the Fall Season 2011

with Lucky Sweeny Certified Astrology Professional Hosted by Andrea Hylen

Go to website to register:


Tuesday September 20, 2011

8 PM ET//5 PM PT

Fall is a season of Harvest and Preparation. This Fall season takes us to the Threshold of 2012, a year of Awakenings and Portals to the new future. 2011 has been a year of revolutions and volatility and in this final season we can reap the benefits of our own personal revelations and transformations.

In this teleclass, you will hear the Cosmic Weather Report as seen through Astrology. The major transits and aspects and when they happen. Good times for moving forward, times for holding still and the special events that bring unique opportunities. What you will receive: Presentation on the Astrology Trends for September through December.

*A Guided Meditation for maximizing the energies of the Season

*A forecast for each of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac

*Question and Answer time for live participants

*A recording of the call for you to refer to over the months

*All of this for only $26.

All registered participants will receive the recording.

You are free to come live to the call or not depending on your schedule.

