Love Radiance Intention From: Rita Khanna
Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2008
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Hello Every one

I just finished watching Eckhart Tolle and Oprah on Oprah's website on A New Earth, Awakening to your Life's Purpose. It is pretty late here and I thought I must send you all this message before I sleep. I urge you all to watch this show on her website. You will be very pleased that you did hear it. It is an amazing show. There will be lot of questions you might have or doubts you have in your mind which will be answered by watching this beautiful show. I have gained lot more respect for Oprah after I heard her talking to Ekhart Tolle.

This will be only available until tomorrow. So go on www.Oprah. com and click on: watch or download last night's class and then click on Chapter 1.

Enjoy it as much as I did.

Love Rita Khanna