Love Radiance Intention From: Rita Khanna
Date: Monday, April 21, 2008
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Yes, Ram, Constance and everyone

Motivation to discover our unconditional love, inner harmony, inner peace and knowing our real potential where a shift start to happen in our consciousness and bringing all this in to our day to day actions is what LRIG is all about.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

Love Rita

--- On Mon, Apr 21, 2008, in msg263109, Ram Varma wrote ---

Great Morning to all of you!

>>>To bring forth your highest good: Meditate until your mind becomes calm and you experience inner peace. Accept, feel, and know that your worthy desire is already fulfilled. Then cooperate with its orderly unfolding in your life.<<< --Ellen Grace O'Brian

This is all God in action. One who sees so is the spontaneous Seer/Experiencer of the Universal Reality as such.

Consistently inspired to move in this sublime direction. I think this is all what LRIG is about.

What do ye say?

