Love Radiance Intention From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2008
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thank You , constance ...

Serving the Spiritual Strategy Gist'ing, Gest'ing & Jest'ing the Pheminine Through all my Vaines stirring the unexpected to rise as a cake in the oven ... refining the temperatures & measuring T::i::me

Looking through myu Lenses i see number VII :: S'even for our LRIG (girl?) meditations ... How elegant ;-) as i see VII as both the Healing Blue Hand as well the Resonant Tone of Attunement ... the Occult & activated partner may be the Blue Eagle as the VisionarY Bird Symbol focussing human godgiven talents to span ... as a ball of seed ... papa-ver(ticalender)

;-) stay okay by framing the cake at the right moment y our de~voted s'ace