Love Radiance Intention From: Ram Varma
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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Hi Constance, et all,

Thanks for sharing a very valuable skill of maintaining inner peace in the misdt of all the worldly melodramas. And also sharing a beautiful relevant graphics. Looking at this wisdom deeply; this simply implies living in this world with one's heart calm and cool; yet behaving/expressing outwardly like everyone else. Being firmly established in inner peace at heart and being aware of others view points one can look/witness the world rather amusedly. However, with compassion and consideration for all. And it becomes natural with the inner peace.

In my undertanding, the above state of plentitude can be maintained only if one has practised during the course of time the art/skill of entering the gap between the pairs of opposites/two extreme and opposite view points. To start with this practice, just allowing oneself to enter the gap between the incoming and outgoing breaths. And feeling the peace within. Gradually this practice can be expanded to enter the gap between the other pairs of opposites. An awareness developed as such brings us back to what we really are; Ever-Present Awareness. Then abiding in this awareness becomes natural in the course of time. A very freeing/exalted experience indeed.

We highlighted this art/skill in our recent theme: "Authenic Communication and Relationship skills". This is a great investment of time towards the individual and collective self-development landscape. Worth trying for sure. And very highly recommended anyway!



--- On Tue, Jun 10, 2008, in msg264377, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---
