Love Radiance Intention From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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U N (E A S) I T E

--- On Sun, Jul 6, 2008, in msg264919, Starr* Saffa wrote ---


S'ace ---- It wasn't easy for me to accept these words either (not until I learned the science of love which includes knowing about particles of energy being wasted where hurt/anger was still in operation). So for me 'forgiveness' means neutralizing the energy. I guess one could leave 'please' out - but it seems more graceful in? Even if the practice is self hypnotic - it's all good because my intent is in harmony with it.


Living Love


caused by me writing : i cannot but say: "please donot even try to forgive me"

Dear Starr, i am in harmony with the writing and copying and intention written by "please forgive me" ...

still i pre-face my acts as "unforgivable" ... although post-faces offer contact with another human/being to co*fuse ...

so Living Love has that Feary Flame of a dedicated Fairy Fire to me

and ... it is observable in all life ... deep down

Thanks All the Way Wielding, Y our S'ace ::*:: Leaping Omegas Quanta