Love Radiance Intention From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Monday, August 25, 2008
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being inspired by You & Ours i saw a Good Parallel in a speech of A.Cohen and the things we bring up here in a Collective Resonance Experience ...

In our documents i was surprised to find the next phrase (someone co*templated ):

Use your heart as the code breaking tune that formulates a mantra in: NOT JUST X BUT ALSO Y (this is a digesting bridge itself!) Then 6 X & Y

(X=unknown and to be discovered & Y=WHY/experienced meaning be-Yond)

1: X: function & Y: DESIGN
2: X: argument & Y: STORY
3: X: focus & Y: SYMPHONY
4: X: logic & Y: EMPATHY
5: X: seriousness & Y: PLAY
6: X: accumulation & Y MEANING

All-to-gather this co-creates tele-pathic passings while inter- dwelling the imaginary bridge - which by getting used to the trust of the b(e)aring strength of that bridge (strong hearted formulae) intuits our immanent interconnectivity while being on our way on a mutual sense that flowers.

Thank You all for your contributions towards this garden developmental growth as it continues to become more full of all that is intended in deep love and deep wisdom.

Now See, as an initiate, the X as One (Queest) and Y as Two (or even One and Two) ...

and then read Andrew Cohens ... In this post he explores the paradoxical nature of God, gives a fascinating glimpse of what it's like to be a spiritual teacher, and describes his latest retreat in Tuscany, Italy. He writes:

"We all made the dramatic transition from hours and hours of silence and stillness to a surging ecstatic excitement about how we as the creative process awakening to itself can make the world a better place for us all... now and now and now. Our attention shifted from the infinite depths of the eternal present to the overwhelming tug of the imminent future. " (Jeff Carreira)

Then after reading & re-ferring it in all we co*Template ...

we might see X as 4+1 , a Template given in Our Own Bodily Expression of God's Nature ...

:: - is the sign of 4 para-meters all One because of the Guidance of "X" - the UnKnown

whereas "Y" appears as the "Great All-Knowing Measure" and Wondering CertaintY - the Known Phenomenon

ParadoX revealed again while X diverted into 5 and Y seems to be One; and then X aggregated 4+1 and so it was marked as 2 types: 4 field of things happening in the standard unaware mode orchestrated by the centered One, the Magician of Seriousness (apart from the PlaY)

hmmm ... for the moment

XamastY ;-) S'ace

--- On Mon, Aug 25, 2008, in msg263786, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi Constance, Rita, S'ace et all,

Thank you all so kindly for so wonderful enlightening messages. And most of them relating to the Real- Self/Spirit that is present in all of us. Simply beautiful!

I have been in a conference held in Toronto for a week by Swami Ishwara Nanda from California. And his central theme has been the same and he went into lots of other pertinent areas that relate to the contemplation of the Self as such. I thought I will share with you three major aspects that made lots of sense to me and to many other participants. And these pointersl deal with how do we translate this knowledge in day to day living of our lives?

1. Reflect on the knowledge --Atma Bodha. As the knowledge of the Self is directly for the liberation. Apply knowledge with objectivity otherwise emotions and feelings take over. Ego being the greatest problem (i.e. husband and wife relationship). When it comes to emotional experiences, cannot apply knowledge with objectivity. When parents cannot apply knowledge to the children, they are also adversely affected. Spirituality/Vedanta is readjustment of life. When applied, it is most useful. Apply it with total dedication and love. Offering to the Lord all the actions with dedication and love. Action should be with purpose and goal. When you receive the result, share with everyone. Don't own it. It is for everyone's benefit.

2. Spirituality is to recognize the inner imperfections in inner meditation. Have no hatred. No anxiety and frustration. Superficially doing the things does not change the personality. Holiness in mind, with faith and conviction there can be some change/transformation. Spirituality is silent transformation from ego to awareness. No one may or maynot notice the change but is important for the one who is undergoing the silent change/transformation.

3. Skills need to be developed to experience the Self and what humans can do with this knowledge? Humans are allowed to make mistakes. Nothing is perfect all the time. Perfection is the ability to correct oneself on an ongoing basis. Spirituality is constant self-correction/growth. When coming down (low in spirit), you are on your way to go up. Watch/observe the shift. The greatest sinner can transform into the greatest saint; if he/she has realized his/her mistake, then such a person is the greatest friend of the Lord. A person of knowledge/wisdom can correct oneself. You are not condemned. Spirituality is not a mass event. It is personal one to be shared as it comes from within. Religion provides discipline and spirituality leads to perfection. Religion forgives mistakes and spirituality guides to self-perfection. Religion develops faith, spirituality determines self-will. Religion teaches to love God, spirituality guides to experience God.

Makes me feel good to have shared the above mentioned refreshers.

Love..........Ram ... :{ Break Through marker because of Tear Here }: