Love Radiance Intention From: Rita Khanna
Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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Hello Every one

We human beings have two tendencies in us. One, what is good for me and my self, and another one what is good for me and every one around me .When the first one gets more predominant in us, ego takes birth and it separates us from every one and every thing and we create our own separate identity. Going beyond this level there is another level of Spirit in us, our true nature. Operating from this level unites us all and the ties of ego starts to dissolve gradually on its own. We start to feel the presence of divine in us and see the same presence in every one and every thing around us. In our day to day life seeing things AS they are presented to us not only from the surface but from the cellular level, allows us to accept more and judge less and we flow with life with least effort. Making a commitment to yourself each day to spend time in silence and experience this connection of Spirit lot more than we can imagine. We are moving towards having infinite connection in every thing we are involved in. "We live in a world of pure possibility. Open the window of your mind".--Ellen Grace O'Brian

Comments, if any? Love
