Love Radiance Intention From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Sunday, November 30, 2008
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next to the vow a catalyzer exprience envowed by serendipity frinction on creative sight:

as we have the anglosaxons we also have the germanicks conquering the world of influence/influenza ;
as we accept the archaic arena as Research & Developmental Friction for Creative Impulses to arise:
(which by some trade fluctuation AFFECTED THE WORLD IN DOUBLE/TRIPLE DUTCH)

vow - (schwur in german)
bede , gelofte, eed
the sounds map gives: g-U as 1st chakra; e-O as 3th ; d-EE (as in Day) 6th chakra ')
bivid-decodex: vow=21 (blackjack?)

commitment - (einbindung =attachment / hingabe = devotion)
afspraak , overeenkomst (gelijk, evenbeeld in hoe te handelen)
Eng: "equal senses on how to behave parallel"

agreement - (zustimmung = kind of consensuality)
consensus; bemiddeld resultaat; toestemming
from MoSCoW ") quadrant seen it is "CAN" ; we CAN have PEACE (when anyone included ...)

intent - (absicht)
intentie, bedoeling

bivid-decodex: intent=54 (9)

goal - (Ziel)
(doel)punt (Ziel erreicht : make it public! ref. sport)
goal gives direction and directives
bivid-decodex: goal=27 (9)(3x9) punt=37 (10,1)

objective - (richtwert = guide)
oordeelkundig, neutraal, objectief
menu? subjective-objective-transparant-abjective
58 (13,4)

purpose - (aufgabe, Bestimmung = designation , berufung=calling)
doel (Ziel?); better is: taak (menu for a duty)
bedoeling (common intent in a teams-setup)
NOTE: "purepose" can be an ancient perception of what a task is

mission - (berufung - but in a sense of "guru")
articulated statement in words & implicit vibrations that sets a mind-set / focus
mission: 72 (9) ; missie 52 (7)

')d e g is resp. dutch, english, german
")MoSCow: Must / Should / Could ? Would facets to implement in an instrument/paradigm