Love Radiance Intention From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008
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This is the dream -- all the "forces of good" come together.  I want to explore this.

And it feels like this blog tool may make this much easier...


 After I wrote that much, just a little pebble falling in the pool, I gave it some time -- and I came back to this thought about the "Portal to Unity", and how that might happen.

I've had deep instincts that this idea is a good one.  Something like this thought has been in me for years.  Way back about 1995, I wrote a long article and proposal with the title "The Concatenation of Motives".  A wild idea -- the point is: motivations can be entrained and interconnected, to form a unified force.

And I am thinking -- that this is what we want to do.  But what is the next step?  Well, the idea that just came to me -- is simply to ask people what they believe is involved in these "forces for good".  What is goodness -- in every field of human concern and action?  On every point, on every issue -- where is the good?  What should we do?  What do YOU think we should do?  What is important to you?  What is "good" for you...

As this idea keeps emerging -- maybe what we should be doing is -- asking everybody to answer that question -- to tell us what is good, what they believe is good, in every way, in every area of human life -- in broad and abstract terms, yes -- but especially in  particular ways.  What is the good in particular?


December 4, early morning

It seems -- like I just have to write these things -- as a way of gathering what is emerging -- even if it does feel a bit confused at the moment.  And why do things feel confused...

My instinct is - there is something simple, clear, and immaculate that is trying to appear.  Yes, it's essentially an idea, just a vision, a theory.  But it is a guiding light, and could be important.  But I feel this swirl of factors around me right now.  The concept of "integral politics" feels powerful -- even if other people are not using this term in this same way -- ie, "Integral Politics - The Politics of Oneness".

That part, I am pretty clear about.  But -- how does this emerging vision fit in with this concept of the "Portal to Unity"?  Is that just a badly-conceived idea -- or is it an essential of this vision?  My instinct is -- it IS part of what is emerging -- in fact, it is the nuts and bolts, and actual plan, to get us there...

But I am just not clear on all of this stuff yet.  I am telling myself to "pray about it".  "Give it a little time".  "Get this blog system programmed first, and get these pieces cleaned up and accessible..."