Love Radiance Intention From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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Dear Hillary,

It is indeed a happy day for us all.... The field of Oneness is being activated and expressed in every heart that stands for the good... "Connecting the good" (thank you, Bonnie and Bruce) is happening now!!! As each of us shows up in our own ways moving toward the One, we are meeting others, right partners.  The power is immense, and the ordinary citizens of Thailand have demonstrated this real spiritual power changing the world!  Halleluiah!!!

Thank you for sharing this, Hillary... it is the new news, coming through the new channels...

Truly Being With this wonder... Love, Jeanie


--- On Tue, Dec 2, 2008, in msg266038, Hillary Hitt wrote --- Dear Brothers and Sister in Resonance, It is a happy day in Thailand. After more than four months of protesting by the Peoples’ Alliance for Democracy to push out the present PM and his party, a victory, with little violence has prevailed. While living in this predominantly Buddhist country for almost 21 years I have seen several coups, government take-overs and riots. But what has just been expressed by the people has taught me something about democracy, none like any other event I have seen here. And that is in order for democracy to prevail change happens from the bottom up. Not from the top down. It has taught me that in order for democracy to prevail “the people” need to gather together, without individual separate causes, self motivated expectations or desires. The protesting was a success because the “tribe”, or “the people” have given themselves, given up their egos, at any cost, for one unified purpose. And in this case it is for justice, respect and love for the common, simple citizen. In bus loads they came from every province to Bangkok. Several 100 thousand of them, leaving their jobs and families, knowing that they had to speak their mind and come to the heart of the tribal pow wow. You see the government has been confiscating billions of Baht from the people for several years. . . I won’t go into the details. I invite you to read this recent cnn article and there are many more. The Thai people are probably the only people in the world who have, quite peacefully, taken over their own country as hostage and gotten away with it with few people getting hurt. Regardless, of MONEY! Billons of Baht have been lost as the protesters, the People’s Alliance for Democracy, took total control of the two national airports in the city of Bangkok, Thailand’s capital, for over one week. Bangkok is a world hub, a major financial business and cultural center for Asia and the Pacific region, also for Europe, America and the Middle East. The Thai people have won their fight while taking control of the biggest airport in the world. Nobody stopped them, not the police, not the army, the navy nor the air-force, as they too wanted the present PM out. . . My praises and respects and congratulations go out to the Thai people for staging this incredible feat. I think we can all learn from the devotion, faith, courage and inherent value the Thai people put on the tribal community. Good prevails exponentially with numbers, giving it strength and increasing its momentum. And in time eventually becomes more powerful than what is on the other side. Much Love To You All,

