Love Radiance Intention From: Rita Khanna
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008
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Good morning Bruce, Ram and All Purification is happening on the level of thoughts as we are vowing non-violence from speech and actions as well. Goodness is growing around us as we are making a decision to live the life of purity, love, joy, peace and harmony in us and creating the same around us. What ever we have that is what we can give to others. It is all in the air as you have written Bruce. After all we are what we think and it manifests through our speech, into our interactions and actions. It all starts from being conscious of it in the present moment, thinking this is the only moment I have which is real and I am going to do the very best in it. Love, harmony, hope and unity are in the air as we see US President-Elect moving toward this direction with his powerful team. We need this lot more now than any other times in the world. I didn't see the "Listening" article on the Light pages but I totally agree with Ram that we need to develop this powerful skill of listening to our deeper Self in silence which is very different than the voice in the head where we get so caught up with most of the time. Once we develop this habit of listening to our deeper selves, we develop a deep relationship with our inner true friend and we make lot more friends in the world by becoming more creative and great listeners. Thank you for sharing your beautiful authentic thoughts with us. Love Rita --- On Tue, Dec 2, 2008, in msg266036, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

 Ram -- you are quite right.  Yes -- listen to others -- but begin -- by listening to yourself..

I did think about this over the last few days.  I had been getting all these ideas -- "integral politics" - - a lot of stuff there -- and then this "portal to unity" concept -- and then this vow issue, and working on this blog system, and a bunch of stuff...

Sometimes it takes a little while for things to come into focus.  It was helpful for me to see the direct simplicity in others here -- "just take the vow, Bruce -- and stop making everything so complicated!".

But I had to listen to myself too.

And that's what feels good this morning.  I'm not quite "there" yet -- things are still forming -- but I can feel all this juice, all this good creative energy, just starting to pulse.

Last night -- I was thinking about this concept of "Connect the Good".  I will write some more about that.  Here's how that idea fits in, just a sketch:

Yes, the vow on nonviolence is very important and straight to the point.  It's great.  What I am thinking about, and feeling -- is that what we seem to be about now -- this "thing" that is in the air -- maybe at the core of "the shift" -- is this idea -- that what we are doing -- is "gathering up all the forces of goodness", and getting them in synch, or in resonance.  We are "interconnecting goodness everywhere" -- in ourselves, of course -- and in the world...  as a force, as an influence... an influence for change, for the emergence of a new society...

I thought about this group -- and just asking everybody, something like: what do YOU believe is important?  What is goodness to you?  Where is the good -- in every area and aspect of human life...

I'm still not quite sure how these pieces come together -- but I have feeling that I am going to see this clearly, given a little time, and some "listening..."

There is something that wants to come together here.  I think Obama is a big part of this force -- I think he is a "force for goodness" -- there is deep good in him, I believe.  So, he is "organizing the national and world community" -- or beginning to.

And here -- we are beginning to think about and coalesce -- the idea that "the forces of goodness everywhere can be brought into resonance as a single unified force, that touches and reaches and influences everything...."

Something like OM is at the center of this process.  All human beings everywhere in that forcefield are connected through Namaste.  But it's not just the spiritual connection.  It's also the political connection.  We get connected as a force for good around all the specifics of real-world daily life...

These are huge notions, and maybe a little wild.  But there is something solid and real underneath all of this.  Something like this -- is pulsing, pushing, throbbing with life...

--- On Tue, Dec 2, 2008, in msg266035, Ram Varma wrote --- Hi All, Thanks for beautiful sharing and peaceful vows. This help tremendously and has an impact on all of us. Just a small note on "Listening" though. The most vital listening starts with one's own self. This simply means, 'listen to yourself in your own silence" first. This will then automatically help in becoming great listeners across the board. For sure, "Obama" team looks great. We need this strength to seed the world strength to make the diverse community as "One". We certainly hope to take this turn in the course of time. It is encouraging to see a good beginning. God Bless! Love and Best Wishes......Ram --- On Tue, Dec 2, 2008, in msg266034, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

 good morning...

up early today.  i guess there is something in the air.  it was good to see the obama announcement yesterday -- all those people in their black suits standing up there.  maybe it's good theater -- but i do believe barack when he says -- "the difference is me".  so, sure -- these people are all "experienced".  i think that is good -- essential -- and does not mean that "this is not change".

obama -- the thing is -- he is a "community organizer" to his core.

and the community...

well, that's us. the entire usa -- "one big community" -- and give him some room to work -- the world is one big community too.

obama has still got his big web system in place.  he's still sending emails out through it.  actually -- he's still asking for donations.  and i'm guessing -- that this networking is just going to continue.  he's reaching millions of people, he is leading with a vision of community, he is a "out of many, one" kind of guy ("to form a more perfect union")

so -- there's hope in the air.  get your feet on the ground, cut back where you must, get tight, get tough -- and get ready.


i spent the last several days working on some new programming features.  i'm guessing biovoid will have some fun with this rather amazing new rtf editor -- that might be working correctly -- we're still in debug stage, but i like this stuff and i want to use it.

there's been a lot of little stuff getting tightened up -- but the big piece -- is a new "blog" system that is starting to take shape.  the idea there is -- to be able to bundle messages together into longer statements, that we can polish up.  there's some tricks to it -- one of the ideas is to explore ways that we can share these blog messages between groups.  so -- a blog developed here in love-radiance- intention can be shared with global resonance, or any other lightpage group.  there's a lot of neat possibilities...

and something i want to talk about -- in the blog, and in bulletin board messages -- is this emerging idea on "connect the good".  the "portal to unity" idea -- i am starting to see this -- as a way "to connect the forces of goodness".  something like that...

so let me also say -- that i appreciate the recent messages on "listening".  it's always good to feel the jostling creative energy of community, as we bump along over the years, interconnected over these networks, influencing and teaching one another.  so, i am happy to say that i just managed to shut down some of my noisy complexity, and just went over there and "took the vow".  so, i am now a happy member of that clan...

thanks to everybody. 

--- On Sun, Nov 30, 2008, in msg266019, S´ace G root wrote --- next to the vow a catalyzer exprience envowed by serendipity frinction on creative sight: as we have the anglosaxons we also have the germanicks conquering the world of influence/influenza ;
as we accept the archaic arena as Research & Developmental Friction for Creative Impulses to arise:
(which by some trade fluctuation AFFECTED THE WORLD IN DOUBLE/TRIPLE DUTCH) vow - (schwur in german)
bede , gelofte, eed
the sounds map gives: g-U as 1st chakra; e-O as 3th ; d-EE (as in Day) 6th chakra ')
bivid-decodex: vow=21 (blackjack?) commitment - (einbindung =attachment / hingabe = devotion)
afspraak , overeenkomst (gelijk, evenbeeld in hoe te handelen)
Eng: "equal senses on how to behave parallel" agreement - (zustimmung = kind of consensuality)
consensus; bemiddeld resultaat; toestemming
from MoSCoW ") quadrant seen it is "CAN" ; we CAN have PEACE (when anyone included ...) intent - (absicht)
intentie, bedoeling

bivid-decodex: intent=54 (9) goal - (Ziel)
(doel)punt (Ziel erreicht : make it public! ref. sport)
goal gives direction and directives
bivid-decodex: goal=27 (9)(3x9) punt=37 (10,1) objective - (richtwert = guide)
oordeelkundig, neutraal, objectief
menu? subjective-objective-transparant-abjective
58 (13,4) purpose - (aufgabe, Bestimmung = designation , berufung=calling)
doel (Ziel?); better is: taak (menu for a duty)
bedoeling (common intent in a teams-setup)
NOTE: "purepose" can be an ancient perception of what a task is mission - (berufung - but in a sense of "guru")
articulated statement in words & implicit vibrations that sets a mind-set / focus
mission: 72 (9) ; missie 52 (7) ')d e g is resp. dutch, english, german
")MoSCow: Must / Should / Could ? Would facets to implement in an instrument/paradigm


