Love Radiance Intention From: Ram Varma
Date: Saturday, January 31, 2009
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Hi S'ace,

Thanks for your interaction. You have said:

S'ace: >>>hi RaM ... often you invite members for their comments and i have adapted myself to the standard option given by you. Well anyhow it may be a given entry because this is in the form we consume as an internet forum for..U~M (is that for you'r MinD?)<<<

Ram: Yes, of course, S'ace, the standard option (of comments invited) at the forum is always applicable. And regarding the 'U..M' I rather prefer "AUM" as it is divinely connecting with all. We can all fly together in this great sublime mode. How about that?


S'ace : re: >>>'We can all fly together in this sublime mode': here i pivote my angle on this "general empty offer" ...WHY ? well we are not all equal ~ even twins are pretty different if it was just the spoace they singulary occupy ... :{indeed, this tends to be classified as an empty reply.<<<

Ram: Intrinsically we are all equal and born free as well as rich. This is what we need to remember. With this remembrance, we can optimistically face the wordly drama in a mode of "AWARENESS". And that's what we all are in the realization of Truth as is (not as it should be)..

S'ace:>>>... but then how to be on dialogue on general sayings? ~ so we offer one another space ant time and vibrations to observe and let in - to the digestive nodes moderating meanings & responses at the nomads station alive }<<<

Ram: Authentic dialogue is the key for our Self-growth and to move further in life, as I see it. This kind of dialogue is ornamented with the intuitive Reality, simplicity and clarity as is in the moment.

S'ace: >>>But then it is true ... we can all fly; we can all fly in a sublime mode; <<<

Ram: In "Awareness" we are all together and One.....and guided by the True-Self. With the same token, in 'intellectual competitive smartness', we are all separate and ego-driven....blowing our own horns.

S'ace: >>>..and we will not fly together ... however we pulse the dance in a wave that synchronizes the groupinG ...<<<

Ram: I like your expression of '...we pulse the dance in a wave that synchronizes the groupingG......'. Would be great if we let this grouping be 'universal' rather than compartmental.

S'ace: >>>but then, how to attune one another ... and process some learning to attune essions ... on a planet friendly way on methoD<<<

Ram : Just allow yourself to Be (That you are, we all are) and then let it happen to us individually and collectively.

S'ace:>>>...s'ace w*aving from a distant sh*re ::* ::* ::* *::<<<

Ram: Distance is in the body- mind-intellect set. Good news is that it begins to dissolve when we decide to go beyond it in the transcendental spiritual mode. And that's the mode I was talking about, S'ace. Where we all fly together joyfully, freely and equally.

Let's all allow ourselves to move towards the crux of the "miraculous" that is present always; everywhere at all times...the finished fact already.


With lots of Love and Best Wishes....Ram