Love Radiance Intention From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Sunday, February 1, 2009
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hi RaM Bow to your interlude ...

Instead of comments! i have a flashback given by the last line probably given by a machine producing memoires & references as an orientation from the way we were:

The Spiral Dance, A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess - Starhawk (Miriam Simos)

This was once performed here in the Netherlands close to the German Border in a set groupinG of about 49 women and 7 guys and among them Starhawk who was presenting her book The 12 Swans in our neighborhood.

It was at those days where i promoted the suggestion to change the English "I" to "i" ... and never start a sentence by "i" again ; so in that habit and normative form of beauty the "zero-point" above the "eye" would always be honoured in every attempt to speak out ... from the divine impulse aligned ...

Pretty weird - when you hear such a thing - but then after a while "it was not so bad at all" ...


Then i sense Starhawk vibration might get a name-oracle-number by the bivid-de-codex ...

8 7 1 9 8 1 4 11 :: 49 (seems the number of women as i estimated that on top)

it seems to synchronize to a page (part of a wrap) submitted into this world yesterday : Yellow Planetary Star

That symbolick goes on number 88 as a kin of 260 in the Tzolkin

Keywords are given on the page here ... which gives some more neighbors by being part of a communion ... (just click the image till it pops up again)

Yellow is the colourtype which governs the Ripening of the Fruit Stage ...


namasteY s'ace