Love Radiance Intention From: Constance Hall-Orman
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009
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“As a lamp lighted candle in a windless place does not flicker----that is the analogy used for the disciplined mind of a meditator practicing concentration on the Self. In that state mind becomes quiescent. And it starts to divinely connect in which seeing the Self (of everyone) through the Self (of own) one keeps rejoicing in one's own Self and keeps connected with the Nature and the Source (of all of us). Once established in this mode, one never departs from the Reality. Unity of life thus becomes a spontaneous natural experience of living our lives.” Gita 6.19-21


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Love Radiance Intention Experience


Dear Love Radiance Intention Member,

Our Collaborative Group Intention Monthly Theme for December is:

Truth/Self/God Reflection


I/you/him-her is here in the middle

The World

In the silence, if one contemplates what this trinity is saying to him/her, it would be a good beginning towards the “Unity of Life.” One may wonder on the following broad outlines if one so aspires:

1. Who I am and where I have come from?

2. What am I doing in this world and why?

3. Where am I going? Why and how?

While meditating in the silence on the above reflection self-observe how you feel we are all naturally moving towards the "Unity of Life?” This is our preparation for bigger and bigger experiences and realizations from now until 2012 and beyond.

Meditation for Self Reflection

1. Play soft music in the background and withdraw your attention from the outer world to your inner world.

2. Observe the flow of your breath in and out, and be with the energy of the breath totally focused for a few minutes.

3. Gradually observe the natural flow of your calming, deep breath from nostrils to navel and navel back to nostrils and stay fully focused on it for a few minutes.

4. Breathe into your toes and gradually visualize the subtle energy flowing from the toes towards the base of your spine. Visualize a reservoir of divine energy dormant here for a few minutes.

5. Visualize a free flow of golden energy rising from the base of your spine towards the center of your eyebrows.

6. Repeat the sound divine vibrations of OM.......... for a few minutes and feel gradually connecting with your deeper true Self, total silence and stillness. Be there for a few minutes.

7. Reflect within, Who Am I? What is my true purpose? Where Am I going? Why and How?

8. In silence and stillness, see what you are shown and being guided from within, a preparation for bigger realizations from now until 2012. When you are ready to come out of the meditation, observe your breath and gradually open your eyes.


With sincere Self-reflection, please deeply contemplate and give attention to the many self-less acts of service the Self gave to others throughout the year of 2009 without any expectation and reward. Remind your Self of the hard work involved in bringing purpose and meaning to that which you gave of your Self to others. This is an ideal time to remember what your purpose is and why you are here on Earth.

We appear to be on different paths, but we are all striving and moving towards the same destination---The power of the inner being outwardly expressing the beauty of its divine nature as it is. As the New Year is fast approaching, be open and ready to receive the offerings of new potential and unlimited possibilities than ever before. Also find the time to settle down during this hectic holiday season and give to your Self the gift to be as you truly are, and if you are prompted to have any dialogue with our group during your reflection, feel free to do so. We are always here and welcome everyone as they unfold before us.

Best Wishes and Love Abundance,

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In Loving Gratitude and Constant Energy Flow, Be Well!

Of the Group, As the Group, As One

Love, Peace and Joy to the World!