Guiding Circles From: Jonathan Stemer
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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Dear Bruce, Ann and everyone,

Thank you for sharing the information about circles.

I've been working with mandalas for many years and inherent in this sacred circle cross culturally is the deep intuitive knowing that the circle represents wholeness.

Regardless of the presenting issue that my clients bring in to counseling/therapy, when I show them a book filled with mandalas for them to choose and color/paint they can relate to this exercise. Of course, this is done in a dyad, but the power of the exercise is in the recognition of the circle by the psyche/soul. We are " hardwired " or maybe the better term is " softwared " to relate to the circle which is an external symobolic representation of the Divine Principle that unites all of us and creation in one big universal circle of Oneness. It is the form that leads to connection.

I realize that what I've written here is already known by both of you and others who are reading this post. Still, with what is happening right now in our worlds individually and collectively there has never been a more pressing time for the gathering of circles to take place in all sectors of society with the guiding principle of the Spirit at the center. We need wisdom to guide the decisions being made by all of us especially those who are in the influential positions to effect change that will impact many. We need love and compassion to guide our choices/actions wherever we may find ourselves embodied on this earth.

As a guiding principle of relationship and connection, the circle just makes sense. Over 8 years ago, I used the circle process as an organizational consultant at a workforce network in the East Bay in California to assist unemployed workers in sharing their feelings and concerns about not having jobs that would allow them to support themselves and their families. The circle format allowed everyone to feel like they were on an equal playing field, there was a sense of mutual respect for one another and a willingness to listen to each other's stories. I've also experienced this in 12 step groups during my journey.

I'm not sure how I will be involved in this circle movement, but I do feel moved to participate and take what I've been able to learn through various experiences and contribute in some way to the healing and transformation that is taking place at this time.

