Guiding Circles From: Jonathan Stemer
Date: Wednesday, May 28, 2008
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Namaste Bruce, Ann and everyone,

Here is a brief article that speaks about the sacred circle from the Native American tradition that seems relevant to the evolutionary unfoldment that is taking place.

--- On Tue, May 27, 2008, in msg264019, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Dear Ann -- Dear Everyone -- hi again from Santa Barbara...

As always, thanks for being here.

Ann, thanks so much for this substantial introduction and review. I do want to take a few minutes very soon, to respond with some detail as regards the particulars. My own approach to circles is much more recent, and comes from some slightly different angles -- but I think the conjunction is interesting and potent.

My own background is interfaith -- where I have been involved for 25 years -- with an intellectual/academic emphasis on semantics and cognitive psychology. So, I am very much involved in the "right brain / left brain bridge" that connects the deeply intuitive wisdom of circles with the effort to understand their mystery and meaning in clear and reasonably certain terms. I want to take up those issues in a more detailed posting later.

For the moment -- just a couple of brief news items.

For one -- I have been working with NAIN -- the North American Interfaith Network -- to coordinate and support their major 2008 summer conference -- the "NAINConnect", to be held July 24-28 in San Francisco. Our website for the conference is

It was exciting to me to discover the emerging energy there for "women's circles". This is a new area for interfaith -- and I think it is very promising.

Also, another discovery from NAIN -- is this emerging new documentary PBS series, called "Beyond Theology".

Here is a link to the website for this series:

The first page right away begins talking about "convergence" and evolutionary spirituality. For me, this is powerful and exciting stuff. I am especially pleased to see these ideas being presented in the mainline interfaith context of NAIN -- since this approach transcends the rather stuffy tendency of mainline interfaith to concentrate on "political correctness" -- and never quite get to "the juice". It looks to me like NAINConnect 2008 is going be both correct AND juicy -- which is very exciting.

Thanks. More to come. I want to post something next on "The Theology of Circles". For me -- this is the key. As you know, Ann :) -- "The Power of Circle is With Us".


- Bruce

--- On Wed, May 14, 2008, in msg263523, Ann Smith wrote ---

Dear Bruce and All,

Thank you for creating a circle conversation.

Circle has been in my heart and my experience since the 1970s when I was fortunate to receive circle training and work for two circle organizations. One was a women's health clinic in Cleveland, the other was a women's empowerment and employment agency in Salt Lake City, Utah. Having had these experiences as well as training in group process and organizational development, I brought the circle model with me when I was hired to serve as the director of Women's Ministries of the Episcopal Church USA, in 1983. Just before this took place, I had started Women's Work, Inc, a non-profit organization that became the model for the State of Connecticut in training and placing women in the building trades. I knew that circle worked in all settings.

When I took the job at the National Episcopal Church as the director of women’s ministries, the two women hired before me had been fired and the women’s organizations were scattered and deeply divided. I brought representatives from the organizations together in circle, the magical process that quickly united them. They created the Council for Women’s Ministries that existed for the seventeen years I held this job. Together we co-created a magazine, books, videos; five women’s leadership training programs built on the circle model, conducted local, regional, national and international circle events and worked with the UN. We created circles and circle structures around the world. Circle is what united us, breaking down barriers caused by racism, sexism and classism.

Circle events are fun, filled with creativity, productive work and outrageous and beautiful celebrations. Circles respect and unite diversity.

Circle Connections had a gathering several years ago at Mercy Center near the San Francisco airport that brought together many circle experts and organizations such as Christina Baldwin. Tej Steiner had hoped to come but at the last moment wasn't able. We shared resources, information and a commitment to make circle mainstream.

My involvement in the Millionth Circle Conveners, Gather The Women coordinator for Southwest Florida, US Social Forum Women’s Working Group Leadership Circle, Happehatchee Center program director and chair of Global Outreach for Sophia Women’s World Conference allows me to see the bigger picture and help provide local and global connections. I look forward to exploring how Light Pages can connect us.

Rhonda Hull and I at Circle Connections are looking at what we can do to help the worldwide circle movement. We are redoing our website matching our passion with our mission. We are looking at how circle work can be sustainable for us and others. We are eager to walk with you in making circle mainstream.

Namaste!!! Ann

