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From: Ann S.
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008, 7:13 AM
Subject: Thanksgiving
ID: 265868

Dear Virginia, Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, a story that will stay in my mind and heart forever. It touched me deeply. I am so greatful to you and all who are part of Circle Connections.

Welcome Shaheen Bhatti from Pakistan to Circle Connections. We hope you will share stories of your successes in the invaluable work you are doing. We look forward to the connections we will make by being involved in the Sophia 2010, Women and Wisdom, Journey to Bulgaria and Beyond. Our dream is to highlight success stories around the work and bring about the "millionth" local/global (glocal) connections in co-creating a new earth.

Dear Ones, If you have not visited our website lately please check out the blog on the Being Green class. I am so greatful to be able to offer these eight-sessions with Donna Roberts and the new and now dear friends of those in our Being Green circle. Practicing the give-away Native American tradition is one of the best blessings of my life. It is in this simple giving and recieiving of gifts from the heart, gifts that help us to reduce, recycle and reuse, that bring happiness and prosperity.

Yes Magazine's latest issue is on happiness. Check it out.

Namaste!!! Ann

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