Circle Connections From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Saturday, June 13, 2009
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Dear Lavonne,

Is there some piece of the ceremony that you could share... the LOVE water experiment... that people everywhere could participate in? I won't be able to make the Long Beach concert, but I would love to bless the waters in Santa Barbara where I'll be... I may be able to set up something through LightPages for people to post their commitments... if your co-facilitators would be up for this... 1 week, but I bet it would go like wild flowers!

Let me know, and blessings on us all as we do what we see to do! Love, Jeanie

--- On Sat, Jun 13, 2009, in msg268411, Lavonne Rees wrote ---

JUNE 19-21, 2009 This Summer Solstice at Belmont Shore Beach, Long Beach, CA Live Worldwide Broadcast Celebration For Our Blue Planet

FREE ADMISSION! Featuring: Celebrities * Performers * Live Musicians * World Renowned Speakers * Artists * Native Tribes * Fire Dancers * Drummers * Yoga Centers * Children Programs * Vendors * Eco Village * Green TEchnology * Mind/Body/Health Awareness

"Thank you and I love you."

Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered these words to be powerful at reshaping the structure of water, the greatest natural conduit on Earth.

We invite you to LIVE H2O:UNITED BY LOVE - CONCERT FOR LIVING WATERS—a celebration that may be the most uplifting event in Earth’s history.

During this year’s Summer Solstice (June 19-21, 2009), join celebrities, authors, and performing artists who will grace our concert stages internationally. LIVE H2O embraces inspired approaches to Water for optimal sustainability and progress towards lasting peace, world health, and general prosperity... In essence, LIVE H2O will marry the Universal Solvent—Water, using the Universal Language—Music, to produce the Universal Healer—LOVE and you are invited to the wedding!

This concert—where science meets consciousness—will cause the world’s Waters to become a virtual “LOVE potion” so to speak—a homeopathic vibrating liquid crystal of LOVE that will be felt by millions of people. It is intended this “Global INTENTION” will, according to ancient esoteric prophecies, return our global village to a greater state of ecological harmony and much yearned for integrity.

"Thank you and I love you." With this universal message in mind, envision all of humanity, united by love, transforming the waters of the world through science and heart…and changing everything. Imagine being able to tell your children and grandchildren that you were at the very first LIVE H2O event ever! And that you helped turn the tide for a more beautiful tomorrow. It is our desire that YOU will join us for this most benevolent wave of celebration of the life sustaining element we call WATER.

LIVEH2O will feature: *Musical, Educational, and Spiritual Contributions by World Leading Authors, Scientists, Scholars, Holy Persons, Celebrities, and Artists * Evolutionary Knowledge about Water and Advancing Water Technologies *Edutainment about what Music Really Is and Does Physically and Spiritually in Your Body * Expert Presentations about Hydro-sonic Science and the Rapidly Advancing, Exponentially Accelerating, Spiritual Renaissance; and *The “LOVE Water Experiment” to Bless The Living Water. "Thank you and I love you."
