Circle Connections From: Ann Smith
Date: Friday, October 22, 2010
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Dear Circle Connections Members,

I am bursting with good news and have posted two blogs on our website, so when you have a minute, please go to and read about the very successful eco-extravaganza that happened on October 10th in Naples and the UN Women Circle workshop in Alaska this past weekend.

While traveling last Wednesday from Florida to Alaska I saw on the TV, while waiting for a connecting flight, the miracle of the rescue of the miners in Chile. At the same time I received on my iphone the news that Pacific Farms agreed to join the Campaign for Fair Food by signing a contract with the farmworkers of Immokalee (CIW). Yesterday, Six L's farm also signed this agreement that leads the way to real justice in wages and working conditions for our farm workers after many long years of oppression. For more information go to the CIW website,

Miracles are happening daily. Namaste!!! Ann the Campaign for Fair Food!