Circle Connections From: Rosjke Hasseldine
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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Thank you Ann, Rhonda and Yeshi for the Grandmother radio talk! I'm Rosjke Hasseldine, Women's Power Circles in the UK and this is the first time on the radio call. Though I'm not a grandmother what you said made so much sense. I have learnt through my work with women, mother-daughter coulples and in my circles that we cannot understand women or mother-daughter couples unless we look at the three generations of women, grandmother, mother and daughter. I loved how you talked about the consciousness of what we bring forward. It was so affirming to hear you say this because that is what motivated my circle work. Empowering girls and women to become conscious about what they've inherited and what they want to discard or carry forward in their lives and their daughter's lives. I am going to adjust my mondays so that at 8.30pm UK time, I can listen to your radio talk show. I'll look up and be in touch. It was wonderful listening and hearing that I'm not the only one doing with work! Thanks again. Rosjke