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From: Rosjke H.
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 9:41 AM
Subject: Stories and events needed for Circle Connections' First newsletter
ID: 271579

Great News! Circle Connections 1st Newsletter will be out in March

March is a wonderful month to kick off our monthly Circle Connections’ newsletter because it is Women’s Month. It is that time of the year when we pause and reflect about women’s history-making power and the collective wisdom we hold. It is a time where we honor the courage our mothers and grandmothers had in speaking their voices and navigating the forces that tried to silence them. And it is also a time when we look forward and dream about the kind of world we would like to co-create for our daughters.

Circle Connections’ newsletter aims to give a voice to all our history-making power, collective wisdom, and our co-creating force for a future world where females are fully heard, loved and nurtured. It will tell the circle stories that are held in our Circle Connections community, as well as give a space in which all the events and resources can be advertized so that the brilliance of all we do can shine brightly for us to see.

Ann Smith, Rhonda Hull, Rosjke Hasseldine (from Women’s Power Circles) and Jeanie De Rousseau are co-creating the Circle Connections’ monthly newsletter. Each month it will have a section on:

1. Circle stories from around the world. If you have a circle story you would like to tell please send 200 – 300 words telling your circle story to Rhonda at If you would like help in telling your story, please contact Rhonda or Ann (Remember that you can always tell your circle story on circle connections. ) 2. Circle events and resources. Please send the details of your circle events and any resources that are helpful to our community to Rosjke at Please make sure that you include: • Date of event • 2 – 3 sentences describing the event • Cost • Name of contact person and their contact details

For inclusion in the 1st March Newsletter please send your circle story and events and resources by Friday 25 February.

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