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From: Ann S.
Date: Friday, February 18, 2011, 4:57 AM
Subject: UN Commission on the Status of Women Meeting
ID: 271591

We are on our way to NYC for the UN Commission on the Status of Women. For information about our workshops, the UN Women's Circle Campaign UN Statement, the letter from me and Jean Shinoda Bolen, please go to our website.

We will send photos and stories during this most hopeful and exciting time where thousands of grassroots women from around the world attend along with governmental, UN and UN NGO officials. The launch of UN Women, the launch of Circle Connections UN Women's Campaign workshop and our meeting with UN Women staff all happen next Thursday. Your prayers for best outcome for this meeting and the reception to our petition for a UN Fifth World Conference on Women are wanted. See website for information and updates.

Here is an inspiring video of one million children in Thailand singing a song about Change the World. May this message of relax, going within and live our life for justice, peace and the Oneness of All be our message everywhere. Namaste!!! Ann

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