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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Sunday, June 12, 2011, 7:32 PM
Subject: Circle Connections Newsletter, Vol. 1.4
ID: 272065

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Women's Sacred Circle

Unity Open Circle









Welcome to Circle Connections Newsletter  

Vol. 1:4 ~ edited by Roskje Hasseldine ~


Unity Women's Sacred Circle 

Circle Story submitted by
Patricia Haller, Secretary, Unity in the Gold Country

(We invite you to submit your 300 word circle story for consideration to 

In 2001, a handful of women gathered at Unity in the Gold Country to create a women's circle, looking for friendship, personal growth, and connection with the Divine Feminine. Led by Pam Smithson, Licensed Unity Teacher, we read Jean Shinoda Bolen's The Millionth Circle and took to heart its principles of being mirrors for each other, compassion-generating, and soul-connecting.  We joined the Millionth Circle Group as "Charley's Angels," so named because of our talking stick, a red velvet heart that had been named "Charley" by the teenage group which shared our meeting room. We laughed with Charley then and continue to laugh, cry, and share from our hearts.


Through the years we have found inspiration, insight, and wisdom from wonderful books, such as Crones Don't Whine (yes, we are juicy crones); Soul Sisters;  Dance of the Dissident Daughter;  The Second Half of Life;  Women of Wisdom;  The Gospel of Mary Magdalene;  The Enneagram Made Easy;  A New Earth;  Love Without End....and many others. We take turns leading discussions, which are heart-centered and combined with music and meditation. One member especially values our "deep feeling of heart connection to each other;"  another member treasures the deep listening of the group.


New women who join us  tell us that they immediately feel at home and know they are in a safe place where they can speak from their hearts.  A recent member says "I...found a group of women who supported my inner life and growth and encouraged my creativity.... They gently taught me to become a better listener."


Once a month we dance; Sufi dances, dances of peace; dances that bring us into our bodies, connecting to Gaia, to Spirit, to humanity.  Upon completion of a book, we socialize with a potluck at a member's home. Women of the Circle have the opportunity to support Women for Women, International, and to work together after meetings on Unity events like  our annual St. Patrick's Day Tea, a parking lot sale, and Hallowe'en party. The sacredness of our circle continues to deepen our friendships, creating more harmony as we share our gifts with the community.



Meeting: Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am

Contact Person: Shanti Emerson,

Sufi and other dances on the first Tuesday of each month.

Love offering (no suggested amount)


For more info:

Women's Sacred Circle
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
180 Cambridge Court
Grass Valley, CA 95945



 Circle Tip ~ How to Start an Open Circle  

submitted by Ann Smith     

Open Circle is like a 12 Step AA program in that it is open to all women and girls.  Each meeting Circle Principles are visible and used.  

When starting the circle, find two or more women or girls willing to help plan, organize and facilitate the first circle gathering.  You can practice Circle Principles and facilitation on each other building skills and self-confidence.

 Find a space that allows for a circle of chairs with a center that will be honored as sacred. This can be a church, library, community center or home.

Discuss Circle Principles at the first gathering and add others if needed either at the first meeting or along the way.  Decide together Open Circle gatherings if to be once a week, the time, place and focus.  The focus can change depending on interests of the members.  

Ask for donations such as $5.00 to make the circle sustainable.

Using a "talking stick", talking and listening from the heart and without judgment, sharing the leadership and decisions by consensus will empower each one to contribute to the Open Circle process.    

Advertize your Open Circle in the local paper and have flyers in public places so women and girls will know about this wonderful opportunity.  Tell Circle Connections about your Circle so we can help you get out the news.


Circle Connections

Final Blog Talk Radio Show 

After over two years of offering our Circle Connections Blog Talk radio show hosting amazing extraordinary co-creative women (and men) in support of the power of Circle,
on June 6th we celebrated our final show (for now).

On this show Ann Smith and Rhonda Hull, Co-Founders of Circle Connections,  Co-Director Caroline Ravelo, Jeanie DeRousseau of LightPages, Bonnie Kelley of Imagine the Good, and Rosjke Hasseldine of Women's Power Circles, came together in a virtual circle to celebrate all we have accomplished together in mutual support. This time together was exquisite, and offered a preview of what is soon to come. 


Circle Connections will now turn its attention to offering Virtual TeleCircles as a way to economically and ecologically possible for women, no matter where they are, to experience the benefits of Circle and Circle events, and create the way to harvest the collective wisdom that will guide us addressing the challenges we face today.


To listen to this and to access all our archived shows, visit:



Event's Diary

Compiled by Rosjke Hasseldine

 Starting on June 9, Gobal Room for Women, "Let's stand with Women Shaping a New Middle East", live teleconference series. 


Register by July 1, for the annual Gather The Women summer gathering entitled "Lighting the World" 

Racine, Wisconsin, USA, August 18 - 20.


July 5, 8 - 9pm (UK Time), 3 - 4pm (EST) & 12 - 1pm (PST)  

Free Teleconference for women with guest Rhonda Hull, co-founder of Circle Connections, talking about her book "Drive Yourself Happy".

Hosted by Rosjke Hasseldine and Women's Power Circles. Call 0844 8 360 360 (UK) or +44 844873 60 60 (from other countries) and then passcode 94445


August 14 - 19, Whisper with the Whales and Discover Your Deepest Self 

Contadora Island, Panama, US$1,995, double occupancy  

September 24 -10, The Circlework Leadership Training Ithaca New York with Jalaja Bonheim

If you have an event you would like included in our next newsletter, please email the follow details to Rosjke

1.     Date and time

2.     Name of event

3.     Where the event is

4.     Cost

5.     Web link and/or details of who to contact

Please send me ONLY the above information in an email. This makes the job so much easier.



Remember, it is far more fun to stop running in circles and become a part of one!

Wishing you powerful connections and joy-full colaborations,


The Co-Creators of Circle Connections




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