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From: Donna F.
Date: Monday, November 17, 2008, 4:23 AM
Subject: C of Hope and The Perfect Game
ID: 265789

Good Morning!

Just wanted to let you know what a rich and textured experience it was to be at Constellations with all of you. It has taken me a little while to process my thoughts after being jettisoned into some new awareness. Whatever you thought about the event, I believe it created a shift in all of us.

One of my personal lessons was to listen to my own grandmother. She is 100 years and 91 days old and I procrastinate calling her because she talks so long. I heard the native wisdom telling me that she deserves to be listened to for as long as she wants to talk and as a grandmother should not be interrupted or rushed. We have a call last week over and hour and a half and she thanked me for listening so long. May we all live so long with a sharp mind. She is not on linear time like I am. Aha moment!

In addition to rewinding the tape about what happened at the meeting, there is a layer of internal dialogue going on within each of us. Within our own minds, there is a constant conversation, chatter, judgement, collaboration, peace, love, willfullness, separation, and creation. Before we can be effective collaborators, we can go into the fire within that internal dialogue to be in authentic conversation with ourselves about our judgements, our shoulds, and our deepest desires. It's an inside out conversation.

I submit that everything happened perfectly and in alignment for each of us. One of the Buzzen Games we play is "The Perfect Game" ( and just so you know, it takes practice, I keep it posted, so I remember to use it on all situations, and it's one of the reasons I ended up at Constellations.)

Here is the game:

Whatever is presented, accept it. Whatever is proposed, choose it. Whatever the situation, accept it as perfect!

I offer you a free membership to the Buzzen online community called "The Hive" where you can post your business or cause, blogs, photos, and find out more about the games.

There is a movie that I spoke with some of you about called The Glow Movie that would be great to show in your circles. I think it costs around $30

It's a blessing to be in your circle. Thank you all for the information you have been passing on. Have a great Monday! I'll be buzzen about your causes with social media:

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