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From: Angela C.
Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 2:22 PM
Subject: Thank You from Sisterhood Agenda
ID: 265906

Dear Sisters,

I have been traveling a lot lately, but I wanted to take some time to just give thanks. Your generosity and spirit of collaboration continue to inspire me daily. Your cash gifts were forwarded by Kathe last week. They are very appreciated and will be used to uplift women and girls in specific and significant ways.

Thank you for being such an important part of Sisterhood Agenda's sisterhood network for resource- sharing, inspiration, and support!

P.S. Your donations are tax-deductible, of course! Sisterhood Agenda’s federal identification number is 56-1906766 and if you would like a letter that may be used as a receipt for tax purposes, please email me at

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