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From: Sharon Riegie M.
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 7:12 AM
Subject: Women Leadership in the United States
ID: 266050

Calling for Women Leadership for the United States within Global Circles of Women Leaders

Do you see yourself as part of a powerful circle of women who act as leaders within the United States? Women who represent human values and can quickly call women into action to stop policies and actions that diminish human dignity, threaten family stability, endanger or ignore children’s needs, and entrap families in the United States? I see a clear vision of women co-leading our country networked with women circles in other countries. Together we are transforming agendas from money, greed and power to people, relationships, sustainability and peace, women leading in changing the world. I am holding space for such women to gather to discuss and implement these circles.

We will meet Saturday January 17, 2009 in the Seattle, Washington area to begin this circle leadership.

The cost of the day is $55.00 If you are interested in joining us, register with a $20.00 deposit. If you want more information, contact me. If you are not able to be with us in January and want to be keep informed, let me know. Another year long journey is being scheduled with dates for March, June, Sept, and November 2009.

Contact: Sharon Riegie Maynard 425-774-1142

Sleeping women have awakened and mountains will now more!

Let’s fill the center on January 16th! In Seattle and create interlinked leadership circles across our nation. Would you like to host us?

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