Constellations of Hope From: Jean Shinoda Bolen
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
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Dear Friends (Please forward to others)

The 4th World Conference on Women was held in 1995 in Bejing. 40,000 participated. A 5th Conference is past-due and women of the world are now positioned to bring their local, state, district, province, and national action plans together as a force for change. The 5th Conference would be the first one held in the 21st Century in the era of the internet. It would raise consciousness, inspire and mobilize effective action through learning what has worked, and create collaborative networks that would endure after the conference. Also, a 21st Century conference could simultaneously reach anywhere and everywhere through the many technological advances since Beijing. Regional conferences and community meetings could be linked and involve huge numbers beyond those who actually attend. It's now time for the grassroots to rise up and be heard! This is about critical mass and tipping point. The idea as well as the reality of this conference can bring gender balance and mother power to the world. Obama has selected Susan Rice as US Ambassador to the UN with cabinet level status and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Now is the time.

Gather the women: save the world!

• Read more at:

• Obama's transition team is receptive: tell them why a 5WWC is important

• Contact your Senators and urge them to support a 5WWC

• Click here for information and more action steps: Yes We Can!

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.